Featured on RetireEarlyLifestyle.com

I have followed Billy and Akaisha Kaderli on their website RetireEarlyLifestyle.com for quite some time.  They retired about 20 years ago at the age of 38 and have traveled extensively since.  One of the places that they have lived for extended periods of time is Lake Chapala, Mexico.  It’s one of the reasons I wanted to visit Chapala on our trip to Mexico this  summer.

While in Chapala, we were walking along the street one morning and Billy Kaderli walked past us.  I just caught a glimpse as he walked past but I was sure it was him once I turned and saw his Retire Early Lifestyle t-shirt.  I knew from their recent writing that they had been spending time in Guatemala so I was surprised to see him in Chapala.  We turned around and caught up with him when he stopped to sit on a bench to drink his coffee.

We introduced ourselves and talked for a bit.  I told him that I had been a follower for the past few years.  Subsequently, Billy and Akaisha asked if we would respond to a series of interview questions for an article on their website.  Through email we completed the interview in the following couple of weeks and now they have put the interview on their site.

Check it out.


Thanks Billy and Akaisha.  You continue to inspire.